Monday, February 8, 2016

What is Linux? - Get to know linux -

What is Linux?

We'll talk about a general introduction about the Linux operating system and will also address some preliminary information about Ubuntu.

History of Linux (Linux system):
  In 1970, he emerged into the light system called Unix was an open-source (ie retractable read and modify Ocuadh software), which made it attracts a lot of companies, institutions and universities, and in 1983 the company called AT & T (which is the royal for Unix) to restrict the system and stop the code and prevent making them available to others, and that any institution that wants a copy of Unix to ask permission from the company to use; which raised and angered many people.

  Most angry was someone named "Richard Stallman" (the founder of the free software movement, and the project GNU), causing him to begin writing the GNU project in 1984 immediately after just one year from the closing code Unix, while in 1985 founded the Richard movement and the Free Software Foundation non-profit, so as to provide support for the GNU project and Free software, and later joined the project, thousands of programmers and volunteers from different parts of the world.

  After the completion of the development and writing many parts of the systems and software GNU, it was then lacks one thing, but it is very important, and that is the nucleus (the Kernel), and in the meantime, specifically in 1991 the student named "Linus Torvalds" (developer of Linux) creates a nucleus of the system GNU has I called Linux, and in this way the system resulted in the following manner:
     GNU tools + kernel (Linux) = integrated operating system (GNU / LINUX).
Linus Torvalds

What is Free Software? What is Open Source?
Free software: the movement founded by Richard Stallman for moral motives and focus freedoms of users more than other things, that the freedom of the person is above all else, and then come other things, this means that these circumstances software (or code) usable, study and modification and redistribution and copied to others freely without any restrictions.
Open Source Software: is a movement caused several people, including Linus Torvalds developed Linux, the same free software is almost, but the difference is that open source is focused more on the technical, strategic and Zariadh productivity motives and improve the development of the program design more than its interest in the moral motivations that are characterized by Free software.  

  Let's be more realistic, there is no huge difference between the free and open source, but rather two sides of the same coin, but because there is a problem in the English language in the term Free Software, (The word Free may mean free may mean free, it may mean "free software" and probably means "freeware"), and for this reason it has been the invention of the term Open Source To resolve this dilemma.

 What is Ubuntu?
   Ubuntu is a distribution of Linux distributions, (and the presence of a large number of diverse distributions (up to more than 300) that differ in the interface appearance and the way of dealing and use, but they all share the core and tools GNU, and examples of Linux distributions: LinuxMint, Debian, Fedora , OpenSuse, Redhat, CentOS, ElementaryOS, Slackware, Kali, Arch, etc ...).

  - We chose Ubuntu distro because the most popular and widely used and easily and applications are available in abundance.

  - Ubuntu designed by Canonical company owned by "Mark Shuttleworth," which was eager to establish a free open source system, Ubuntu is why reputation for Linux in this way due to the ease and simplicity for novice users and the abundance of their own applications.

  - The word Ubuntu is a Greek word (came from Zulu), meaning humanity towards others.
- The latest version of Ubuntu is 14.10, but we recommend using version 14.04 because it is more stable and powered up in 2019, as opposed to version 14.10 subsidized for only nine months, and in this session we will use 14.04, note that most versions do not differentiate much from each other, but the same vein trace often.
- Ubuntu used interface (desktop) named Unity environment, and there are a lot of different interfaces in the Linux operating system, such as KDE, GNOME, XFCE, MATE, LXDE, Cinnamon and others.

  What types of distributions?
- In Linux we have two types of distributions:
A source distributions: Distributions or zero, which has been built from scratch, such as Debian, Arch, Slackware, OpenSuse, etc ...
Distributions are based: the distributions that have been built over the other distributions (or using other distributed), such as the distribution Ubuntu is based on Debian (was Ubuntu has introduced a huge number of amendments to Debian to make it better and easier for users), and another example: Distribution LinuxMint a distribution based on the Ubuntu and the Ubuntu purpose of facilitating further and add some tools and add-ons; the vast majority of Linux distributions based and not a source (because it does not need to reinvent the wheel as long as there are systems can be built above and improve).

* See the following picture, which shows a tree fork Linux distributions:

tree Linux distributions

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